Jun 242018

Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2018, 51, 1059-1068. [ doi: 10.1107/S1600576718007100 ]

The implementation and use of a set of new displacement parameter restraints is described. Anisotropic displacement parameters account for a large proportion of the parameters in a crystallographic refinement, but very few restraints for conveniently controlling their values have been implemented in standard crystallographic refinement programs.

Jun 172018

The Great Wall of China (Huangyaguan section)Though it should be an off-year, the long-running biennial Zurich School of Crystallography visited the Health Science Platform of the University of Tianjin in June 2018 to teach a group of international researchers how to use single crystal X-ray crystallography.

Richard Cooper joined the Swiss delegation of tutors and gave lectures on space group determination and the use of Hirshfeld surfaces in crystal structure analysis.

Right: The Great Wall of China (Huangyaguan section): Lukas Palatinus and Hans-Beat Bürgi in the distance.