The 18th International Union of Crystallography Congress and General Assembly was held in Glasgow in August 1999. Those attending from the Chemical Crystallography Laboratory in Oxford were:
Professor Keith Prout, Dr David Watkin, Dr Theirry Maris, Richard Cooper, Clare Keats and Ibrahim Tahir.
- Clare Keats’ poster Clare Keats looking bewildered by the unprecedented interest in her poster, “Development of a Crystallisation Screen for Organic Compounds”.
- (L to R) Clare Keats, Theirry Maris and Richard Cooper head on down the the conference centre by taxi. Photography by M.I.M.T. In a taxi
- Richard giving a talk and demonstration of the latest CRYSTALS software.
- Theirry Maris presents “Phase Transitions in the Thiourea Cyclooctane Inclusion Compound” to the world. The poster was highly commended by the judges of the Oxford Cryosytems poster prize for innovative low temperature studies. And it wasn’t even entered.
- David Watkin and Paul Beurskens chairing a jam-packed and very well recieved session under the title “Difficult Structures”.
- Ibrahim Tahir casually presents his poster, “Chiral Recognition and Crystal Structures of DCA Inclusion Compound with Limonene”, to much acclaim from other delegates working in the DCA field.
- Ibrahim in front of the giant metallic “armadillo” which houses the conference centre’s main auditorium.
- The delegate reception: Food is in short supply, (especially for a 15 quid a head event) and Ibrahim scans the upper galleries for signs of a waiter. Meanwhile Clare contemplates her next trip to the bar.
- Art Keats, Maris and Cooper nonchalantly pose around the gallery with their glasses of wine, feigning interest in the paintings and exhibits. “Yes, I do like the use of light in this one”. “The attention to detail is simply exquisite”.
- The young crystallographers take a rare break from their punishing conference schedule to grab a quick cup of coffee.
- Clare pulling a face (L to R) Ibrahim, Clare and Theirry. Clare has been given cheap wine by one of the catering staff, and isn’t at all impressed.
- The inhabitants of 9 Parks Road, Oxford posing in front of a Storm Trooper in the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum in the West end of Glasgow.
- Richard presents a talk entitiled “Crystallographic Tools for Chemists” to the IUCr Teaching Commission open meeting.