

The X-ray laboratory contains two Oxford Diffraction/Rigaku SuperNovae A diffractometers, with switchable microfocus copper and molybdenum sources.  Both instruments are fitted with Oxford Cryosystems Cryostreams enabling access to temperatures between 80 and 500 K and there are seven microscopes covering a range of magnification for use with the diffractometers.  In addition the lab has hot and cold stage microscopy facilities with digital video cameras; a Thermo-Gravimetric Analyser (ambient-1,200 K) and a Differential Scanning Calorimeter (100-1000 K).

Oxford Diffraction (Agilent) Supernovae

Oxford Diffraction (Rigaku) Supernovae

In addition to the in-house instrumentation, the Departmental Service also has regular access to synchrotron radiation using I19 at Diamond Light Source through an award under the Block Allocation scheme.  This enables determination of some of the most challenging structures which would not otherwise be possible.