Every two years, the Young Crystallographers Group of the British Crystallographic Association nominate a speaker to give the prestigious Kathleen Lonsdale Lecture. Traditionally, they invite well respected scientist who has a good rapport with students. This year the Lonsdale Lecturer was David Watkin who is well known within the community, principally as a result of … Read the rest
The Annual Meeting of the British Crystallography Association was held in York. Contributions from Chem. Cryst. included:
Anna Collins, Richard I. Cooper, Andrew R. Cowley, David J. Watkin
2-(1-Hydroxy-2-methyl-propyl)-2,5-dihydro-furan-2-carboxylic acid diisopropylamide: A study of a phase transition to a pseudosymmetrical Z′=2 structure (Poster)
James Haestier, Mustapha. Sadki, Amber L. Thompson and David J. Watkin
Cell … Read the rest
The 18th International Union of Crystallography Congress and General Assembly was held in Glasgow in August 1999. Those attending from the Chemical Crystallography Laboratory in Oxford were:
Professor Keith Prout, Dr David Watkin, Dr Theirry Maris, Richard Cooper, Clare Keats and Ibrahim Tahir.… Read the rest