Jan 062012

The CRYSTALS v14.40b installer is now available to download for the Windows platfom.

[Update: 14.40b fixes failure when importing reflections from Agilent cif_od files]

Selected highlights include:

  • New data import tools for most diffractometer types.
  • Asymmetric distance, Uij and adp vibration restraints.
  • Automatic lookup of neutron scattering factors.
  • Calculation of s.u’s on torsion angles in
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Sep 132011
CRYSTALS Enhancements:  Absolute Structure Determination (A. L. Thompson and D. J. Watkin)

J. Appl. Cryst.  (2011), 44, 1017-1022.    [ doi:10.1107/S0021889811034066 ]

A summary of the features for investigating absolute structure available in the crystallographic refinement program CRYSTALS is presented, together with the results of analyses of 150 light-atom structures collected with molybdenum radiation carried out with these tools. The results confirm that the Flack and Hooft … Read the rest

May 122011

CRYSTALS v14.23c installer is available to download for the Windows platfom.

[Update – patched version 1423c released 27 May, fixes format problem with tiny weights in FCF, CIF input bug]

Selected highlights:

  • Added bond colouring to indicate either element type, or disordered part
  • Improved robustness of weighting scheme 17 (Shelx weights)
  • Output observation weights in
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Apr 212011

CRYSTALS v14.21 installer is available to download for the Windows platfom.

Selected highlights:

  • Constraints (List 12), restraints (List 16) and manually omitted reflections (List 28) are appended to the CIF for easy reference.
  • Punch for list 1 is now possible.
  • Included slant 2Fo-Fc maps on the menu.
  • Fixed 2 bugs in #Perhydro: phenyl rings now
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Jul 312010

CRYSTALS v14.11 is available as a beta-test.

Many small changes in Regularise Replace thanks to a CRYSTALS workshop in Toulouse organised by Carine Duhayon and Laure Vendier.

Cif generator now properly includes esds on refined hydrogen bonds, has incrreased figure-fields for cell parameters, and appends constraint and restraint information as _iucr_ data items at end Read the rest

Jun 292010
CRYSTALS Enhancements: Dealing with Hydrogen Atoms in Refinement (R. I. Cooper, A. L. Thompson and D. J. Watkin)

J. Appl. Cryst. (2010), 43, 1100-1107.    [ doi:10.1107/S0021889810025598 ]

Because they scatter X-rays weakly, H atoms are often abused or neglected during structure refinement. The reasons why the H atoms should be included in the refinement and some of the consequences of mistreatment are discussed along with selected real examples demonstrating some of the … Read the rest